I saw this idea on Pinterest a while ago and with the spring blossoms all around I just remembered it!
This is the tree out in our front yard:
What great inspiration for this art project. When I told Little Monkey we were going to paint this tree he got all excited thinking we were actually going to paint the tree. I chose my word more carefully and told him we were not painting the actual tree but we were going to paint a picture of the tree! He seemed okay with that. This one was pretty easy and so much fun. I had everything already here. I did use acrylic paints as that was the only pink I had. The boys did great with it and didn't get too much paint on themselves. I was more worried about getting it on clothes, but they did great.
I love how they turned out. When I put them up in the window to compare them to the real tree Little Monkey told me they weren't big enough and that we needed to make bigger ones! Maybe if the sun comes out to stay I will set up a big roll of paper and we can make a big tree outside!
I think this will be a flowers week! Maybe we will even plant some pretty flowers for Mother's Day.