
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Have you ever seen a pumpkin....

We have been having fun with pumpkins!  We haven't got our own yet, it is on our to do list.  In fact we are going to the pumpkin patch on the weekend!  I had never been to a pumpkin patch until we moved out here.  I love it!  It is one of my most favourite fall things to do.  Little Monkey also loves it.  Little Princess was only 2 months old when we went last year, so she might enjoy it more now :)  She has also really taken off walking this past week so I am sure she will be walking all over the place.  We usually come out of the patch with 2-5 pumpkins.  I am sure this year we will have at least 4.  They also have goats and chickens that the kids can feed, as well as a spooky barn.  So much fun!
Ok back what I am actually posting about.  Little Monkey did his I See.... page and really liked it.  The patterning at the bottom was a bit tough for him, but he was getting it by the end.  I also attempted my first preschool fun pack.  Little Monkey LOVED it.  He had lots of fun with it.  We did it during Little Princess's nap time.  It was our time together so I didn't even bring the camera out, sorry.  I did take pictures of some of the finished pages :)
I also made Little Monkey a felt pumpkin to go along with a song I used to do when I taught preschool.   It was a great way to make silly faces on his pumpkin.  He loves the song and asks for us to sing it often.  I put it at the end of the Preschool Fun Pack.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Counting leaves

I have decided to work on counting a little more with Little Monkey.  He can count great up to 14 but still does not recognize all numbers 1-10.  I figured why not continue with our leaf theme and make up some sheets with numbers on them!
Leaf counting
Little Monkey had a Little Friend over the other day so it was a great opportunity to bring this one out.  They did great with it!  They had so much fun counting out the leaves.  The higher the number the harder it was, but they stuck with it until it was done.  I got the leave stickers from the dollar store, but you could use real leaves or draw them yourselves.

Apple stamping

It seems fall has decided to settle down and stay for a while.  I was not fully prepared.  Today was full of a mix of things.  We did some apple painting and coloured with apple shaped crayons (we made them the other day and I forgot to get pictures), and lastly we played handy man.
It was a fun way to spend the day indoors.  Plus we got to have apples for a snack as well....not the ones we painted with though :)
Little Monkey sure loved painting with the apples.  He really liked that we finally got to use the 'farkly' (sparkly, he is still having trouble with his 'sp' sounds). Little Princess couldn't really grab the apples so she got to colour with the apple crayons, which she tried to eat.  So next time, snack FIRST and then craft time.

Little Monkey has been very interested in hammering and 'fixing' things lately.  When he was visiting his grampy's this summer they let him use real power tools.  He had so much fun, but I don't really want to use power tools in the house with him.  We had a big piece of styrofoam in the recycling from something we had bought, so I thought why not make it a work bench.  We raided Daddy's golf tee's and borrowed a hammer from another toy and get to work.  We even had a hard hat.  Little Princess got in on this one as well.  It would have worked better with two hammers and two pieces of styrofoam...oh well, next time!  I think maybe some tools might be a good idea for Little Monkey for Christmas!  

Up next, fall leaf counting!