
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rainbows and ribbon

Well it has been a while since I have posted.....again!  Sorry.  We have been busy.  With preschool, part time daycare, and me working more I am finding less time in our days!  We have been doing things but I haven't been 'documenting' most of it.  We have also been hit with a few colds this winter so that has kept us a little more lazy than usual.
We are back at it though!  I found a bunch of my old reading materials and speech materials from my 'before mommy' life.  I am looking forward to using them with Little Monkey and Little Princess.
Today I saw a ribbon rainbow on Pinterest and it looked like it would work for both Little Monkey and Little Princess.  They both loved it and wanted to keep going.  I really liked that I could make it a little more work for Little Monkey and not too hard for Little Princess.

Little Monkey had to connect the dots to make his rainbow.  He loves any type of connect the dots so this was so much fun for him.    He also decided today he was going to be left handed. He still switches between hands but lately he has been using his right hand more.  It turns out his left hand still works. :)  I pre attached the ribbons just to make it easier.

Now onto the lacing.  Little Monkey had no problem at all.  I should have maybe coloured the holes on the back side of the cardboard as well.  Oh well, next time. :)  Little Princess had some trouble, but the more we did it the better she got.  She would get all excited every time sit laced it through on the first try!  She would cheer 'Look Mommy, I did it so fast!"  I did hold the paper up for Little Princess to make it a little easier for her.  

This is the back where I should have coloured the dots. :)
We had lots of fun making these rainbows!  It created lots of opportunity for us to talk about colours and find objects around the house that were the same colour.